Revelations: Can't Buy Me Love- Episode 2 - The Eclipse


Episode 2 is lit. Let us go over what went down

1.   Meetings

Bingo goes home to a surprise get-together where people anticipate good news that Bingo wins the grant to start his business and be able to help out the neighbors, too. When Bingo shares the not so good news, there is support and concern from Bingo’s inner circle. The highlight is Bingo’s lola declaring she does not need riches; she wants Bingo to be fine.

Contrast that to the meeting that Caroline is forced to attend. Face-to-face with Cindy, Bettina, and Irene. Here, Caroline is not backing down on what she has witnessed, but softens her stance that it is a mistake to blurt it out with people around them. This is a hostile meeting with Caroline being on the receiving end of insults and even two slaps from her eldest sister. Notable in this meeting is Bettina declaring she has to marry Edward no matter what, confirming suspicions that the whole thing is a business deal.

2.   Caroline’s mistakes

a. She does not have to confront Edward. She should have surreptitiously slip out of the room while the two are in the throngs of lust and ask someone else to witness it. It will have taken the heat away from her.

b. In this day and age of phone cams, take a snap or it does not happen. Caroline needs some documentation of sorts, something that will not make it a “she-said, he-said” affair with her on the losing end. A pic or a vid would have told a thousand words-something the aunties have mastered as they take videos of the event.

3.   Caroline’s Trigger

Caroline has learned how to keep her mouth shut. She keeps her peace as insults are being hurled at her; however, she always loses it when her mother is the one being accused of vile things. This will make her throw vitriol at whoever makes that mistake.

4.   Bingo is everybody’s best friend

When Bingo gets home, you see him talking to everyone he passes by the corridor. A child asks for homework help. Someone asks to open a rice storage container and just plain hi and hello. He even carries the boxes of the new occupant of the building. He is simply the quintessential neighborhood popular go-to guy.

5.   Boy Meets Girl

The way things are going with the interaction between Bingo and Caroline, it looks like we are far from having one fall for the other. The real first encounter was an accident that caused Bingo to end up being late to a grant presentation that would have solved some of his problems including his grandmother’s need for a doctor’s attention. 

     The first face-to-face thus far is when Caroline mistakes Bingo as a waiter and even asks for more wine. She even gives him a tip. He might have seen the beauty that is Caroline but he may not be impressed by her attitude. 

     They literally bump into each other as he sees the car that caused the misfortunes for the day while Caroline is eager to get out of the place. It seems Caroline is terrified to see blood coming out of Bingo’s nose that she runs to her car right away. Afterall, she does have an experience with a pool of blood around her mother that fateful night.

6.   Bingo’s relentlessness

Bingo is very consistent from childhood to young adulthood. We see how he tries his best not to lose hope and be defeated by the problems he faces. He will always find a way to survive. You see how relentless he can be as he even tries to gain entry to a private event just to get a chance to pitch his idea to Mr. Tiu. He even tries to be a waiter to get into the venue- talk about sheer determination.

7.   An Unimpressed Caroline

Caroline can easily cut off people from her life even for just a moment. She is not answering any phone calls. After all, she can shop to a whooping millions at one store with a swipe of her card-retail therapy, at its finest. Being blissfully unaware is not a hard task to do, but we see that Caroline is not impressed with Stephen Tanhueco’s attempt to locate her. No glimmer of happiness on her face upon seeing a childhood friend. What more, our troublemaker sees him as a party pooper who tries to explain to her why people are mad, and why it is such a scandal. He takes on the role of a big brother explaining to a younger sister why their parents are mad. His actions, though laced with good intentions, will not place him in Caroline’s good books if he plans to be a suitor. At that point in time, Caroline needs comfort.

8.   Where is Big Brother

We witness a young Charleston being sympathetic to his half-sister, Caroline, offering her a greeting when she arrives in their mansion. He even shows her how to exact revenge on the two sisters maligning our main girl. Charleston has been absent on important family events from the engagement party to the private meeting, and it seems the patriarch is fine with it. He does not seem to be looking for him. Is he that busy? Why does Gina (Ruffa Guttierez) say Charleston will not be in the running to succeed his father? What is Charleston Tiu’s secret?

9.   William Tiu’s Mistakes

There are obvious ones like having mistresses, but as the story unfolds, he seems to have a delusion that everything is alright starting from Caroline living with his other kids and legal wife. He has no qualms with his legitimate kids and those outside of wedlock to join the engagement party for his eldest daughter. The biggest mistake in the two episodes would probably be commanding Caroline to apologize to the Liaos without even asking for Caroline’s side of the story or double check its veracity by using private investigators. They do have the means and the power, don’t they?

Addendum to Episode 1:

Did you notice that Irene Tiu seems to have a crush on Stephen? She seems to eyeing him...

With that, here is looking forward to more episodes of this beautiful DonBelle story.
