Two Greats in Collaboration: DonBelle and Smart

Before February is over, let us go over that Smart TV Commercial (TVC) that had us swooning. The write ups said Valentine's Day came early because of that ad. It will be more apt to say Vday came to stay! I know you have seen that commercial, and it has 24M views as of this writing after only 3 weeks of being released.  

1.       There is a clear story line.
Donny and Belle did not just stand there holding their phones and pointing out what are the features of PowerAll 99. They were giving us the features interspersed with the activities that they were having during the we-time.

2.       We-Time.
Good catch, Smart. It is not bonding time. It is not hanging out. It is We-Time. More potent messaging in a way as it is an antithesis to the me-time that people are wont to do to recharge and get their bearings together. Here it seems they are recharging together, and we time is something Donny, the introvert, looks forward to doing.

3.       Smart Research
Smart might have done their research as we see Belle with a mug of coffee, something she confesses to really enjoy drinking. Since they both confessed that their love language is quality time, a We-Time is something that is completely possible. Donny also picked physical touch as his love language would really initiate a kilitian. Donny also did say in a Magandang Buhay interview that he needs to recharge from time to time, but he can recharge when he is with Belle- We Time is, indeed, their time.

4.       Amazing Backdrop
When the ad is being teased, we see that the setting was outdoors and their costumes look like they are in an extremely cold place. Images of them in Switzerland is already conjured in every Bubblies’ imagination. But they were simply inside a set as we realized when we see behind the scenes of the ad, and the crew trying to recreate the outdoorsy ground. Kudos to the team for making it look so realistic, still.

5.       AU Naturale
Aside from glamping and being close to nature while these two are having we-time, we can’t help but be enthralled with how natural they move together. There is a synergy between them that makes us feel like we are witnessing a real honest-to- goodness we-time of two real-life lovers. I think that is what really draws us to these two; there is no overt sweetness, but an overload of moving in consonance with each other as they dance or watch the movie.  

Overall, this Smart and DonBelle collab is fresh and oozes with good vibes. It is such a good match! If you have not watched it or would like to re-watch, pls click this link:


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