What Can We Infer about An Inconvenient Love from the Synopsis etc.

There is so much excitement in the air for DonBelle’s current project, Än Inconvenient Love.” Who would not be excited with all the information that is coming out bit by bit? Everyone is so curious and can’t wait for November 23. Here are some ideas and theories culled from the synopsis and the character description of the lead roles.

Clues on Next Project after HIH Season 2

 During a Kumu Live the night before the All Star Games, Donny was asked what their next project will be. They did not say anything except that the project is really good.  They simply showed their eyes. I wonder how is that related to this project? Donny even asked Belle-do you think they are ready for what we are gonna do next? Have you seen this Kumu live? Do you remember this part? If you don't, I have a screen record that I wanted to share, but I wanted to edit it a bit, but don't know how yet. 

 Names Revealed:

 The names have been revealed already. Donny gives life to Manny as Belle is Ayef. Manny’s name sounds like money. Something that his family may have that Ayef does not, since she has to be a working student. It looks like Manny, the plantito, wants to veer away from his family’s influence and business. He is trying to make his own way as he establishes his own business than to join their family firm enough to even fight alongside his father’s employees.

 Convenient relationship

This might be the first time we hear this term, but what is common is a marriage of convenience which according to Merriam Webster is entering into a marriage with reasons other than love but based on a political, economic, or social gain. For one, in history, some marriages are done to keep the peace between warring kingdoms. In some movies, the parents arrange the marriage to save a company from going bankrupt or for their child to be the payment to some monetary loan. It can also be to gain citizenship to a country. Now, what could this convenient relationship be? What does it entail, and why do they get into it aside from the convenience?

Contractual Fling

Let us break down these two words to help us. Contractual means there is an agreement, and it expires (this bit has already been said in the synopsis). There is also a list of dos and don’ts. It has specific things expected from both parties. There are also limitations as to what the other can do. There is an agreement on not only the expiry date, but also on the terms. Is there cash involved? Up to where would they go?

Fling connotes a more physical nature. A “no strings attached kind of thing” but with the benefits of being intimate and even physical with another. Are we expecting a more daring and more intimate DonBelle? Are we ready to swoon?

 There is also the question: Why agree to a contractual fling?

A. Out of money

B. To get rid of a pestering ex

C. To get rid of someone your family forces on you or a suitor

D. or a combination of any two above           

The crew

It looks like the com in its rom com category will be supplied by the characters surrounding them at work. After all, the workplace seems to be the most pivotal setting in terms of their proximity. Most of what will happen will be in the area in and around the convenience store and Halamanny.

 Role reversal

Ironic how one of the characters Deib bullied was a plant whisperer in “He’s Into Her” Season Two. Among most of the bullied ones who transferred to Southbay, he did have the most interaction with Deib as he did get two plants from him-one for his brother and the other for Tito Maxim which he gave when he was asking for permission to bring Max on a date to celebrate their monthsary. Now, he is the plantito. Could this be a coincidence or a planned foreshadowing of Donny’s next role?


A girl’s offer

Usually, it is the guy who does the proposals for contractual relationships. At least that was how it goes down in some books and movies. This time, it seems that it is Ayef who approached Manny. Talk about an empowered woman. The question is why. And I would like to see how. That would surely be so much fun to see their interaction as Ayef proposes and Manny considers the offer. Could it be that the glint in Belles eyes during the first meeting is not because she has a crush, but maybe because she found someone-a prospect to present her proposal.


The Question and a Yea

When Ayef made the proposal, did she already harbor the tiniest of crush on Manny. Who wouldn’t? He is after all an eye candy. When Manny says yes, was there a tiny bit of attraction to Ayef already? She has her charms. After all, these kinds of transaction do not only involve money in exchange for the goods, there might be a bit of attraction needed to pursue it in the first place.


Escape and a Bit of Adventure

For Manny, who seems to be burdened by a family that seems to be needing an anchor or a glue, it could be an escape from all that caring for his brother and going against a rich, powerful father. For Ayef, it could be one last adventure that she hasn’t done because of being focused on surviving and her studies. It is one adventure she hopes to have before plunging into an internship that she will totally devote her time to in pursuit of a better future.


Family Reveal

We have a hint of Manny’s family- a brother he is devoted to and a father he does not seem to agree with, and we wonder who else is in the family tree that he tries to glue with the other two. We never heard anything about Ayef’s family life. Could she have been orphaned and living on her own? Was she abandoned as a child? Are they not a big factor in the story that they are not part of the synopsis? I think this will be one of the defining factors that guide their decisions in their lives.

 The Symbols:

The released pics have given us items from both Ayef and Manny. Manny was represented by his eyeglasses which seems to be custom made for him as it bears the name of his business. Ayef on the one hand, is represented by her name tag. It must be that she is known as the convenience store girl or that her time revolves around it, and the job is important as a means to an end.


The Cynics


Both of the main characters think love is an inconvenience. They at least agree to this. No one is a romantic, but we can’t help but think that one is a closet romantic. Their cynicism is probably borne from the fact that their families have given them a rather bleak picture of love. There could either be a lack of it that people simply let material things take precedence over it, or too much that it led people to give up their dreams. But such is love. If you believe something, love will definitely turn it around 180 degrees even 360° or and steer you towards being love struck especially when you least expect it.  


On that note, we can’t wait to meet Manny and Ayef and the rest of the cast.  We are so excited to be ushered into the world of An Inconvenient Love…November 23, come soon enough!

The movie synopsis and character sketch for An Inconvenient Love can be found here:



All pictures are from the Belle and Donny's IG Stories except for :

the 24Ever sign which is from an IG pic from Belle's post that can be found here:   

the meaning of marriage of convenience which is a screenshot of Meriam Webster Dictionary:
