Lessons from Preview's "Ask Me Anything" with Belle Mariano


As part of being the Preview September cover girl, Belle Mariano sat down to answer questions from fans. The questions ranged from serious ones to not so…As she answered the questions, we do not just learn her stance on certain things but truly end up learning a thing or two about life that can really help us improve.

Finding solutions

Belle was asked which she would prefer should she have to choose: not having eyebrows or not having eyelashes. Quite hilarious, if you imagine not having one or the other. We have accepted people not having any hair on their heads, but not the lashes and eyebrows. It can be strange, but notice how Belle handled the question and how she came up with her answer. She immediately went on to think about the solution to each situation, saying that false lashes and eyeliners can help. In a way, you’d see that she will not really fret should she end up losing them.

You’d say she is not typical in looking at the solution before answering the question, but this is one good attitude to have. Focus on finding ways to solve the problem, instead of overthinking the problem too much that can make it larger than it truly is. It seems she is trained to see the possibilities and not the limitations. This is a good way to start

All of the above

Belle was asked to pick between having comfortable or stylish clothing. Belle proceeded to say that she wants both. For one, Belle is no slave to fashion. She will not favor the look if her comfort level will be sacrificed. She makes a valid case for the fact that being comfortable with your clothes will also help carry the clothes well. And it would be best, though, if you can find a way to choose clothes that are both comfortable and
stylish. Take note that they are both important, so as Belle is trying to say, do not sacrifice one over the other. It is important not to be itching all over while wearing something or feeling pain with high heels. It is also important to present yourself to others well.

Stepping Stones

We know that Belle is constantly the subject of hateful comments on soc med especially since she was announced to be portraying the role of Maxpein Del Valle. Note that she never clapped back, nor did she give up. She took it as a challenge to prove the naysayers wrong. And her answer to this question is quite consistent to that attitude that she exhibited.  Here is her answer verbatim:

“By not taking them as something to ruin you, but something to help you improve. “

Our initial reaction when criticisms are hurled would be to get mad and feel bad, but here is Belle Mariano teaching us to flip it. For one, this advice comes from different levels of being mature in handling stuff. She is aware that there is always room for improvement, and that comments that may not be nice is one way of getting feedback. She is showing us that she is very sure of herself, and she is not afraid of admitting if she has flaws that she can still improve. She also shows that we should do self- reflection to see if the comments have merits.

We can definitely learn from this. Think of the comments as something that you can use to better yourself and not to make you lost your focus on the task or goal at hand. Who knows, these comments may be helpful to you? I remembered a teacher once telling me that it is up to me if I use stones hurled at me as stumbling blocks or stepping stones.

Scents of Comfort

She was asked about her favorite scent, and she said she loves her mom’s scent because aside from being sweet, (comma) it provides her with comfort. It seems Belle likes to sniff people close to her. It gives her comfort. There was this research somewhere that says that women likes to smell, and even associate them with feelings. I know that any Bubbly worth their salt has seen the vids. Go figure.

Much has been said about Belle. One thing is sure, though, you cannot discount the fact that she is matured beyond her years, and she is a good role model as she shows us a thing or two about life.


Pictures are screenshots from Preview's Ask Me Anything with Belle Mariano found here:
