SEPHANX WEDNESDAY: What He’s Into Her Brought into Our Lives


I forgot where I read it, but one article mentioned that He’s Into Her was pandemic therapy, or it is part of our pandemic therapy, at the least. Truth be told, for some of us, Season 1 brought us back into that time when we were in High School and falling in love happens or crushes are happening. It found us at a point in time when we were searching for an escape. For the younger set of viewers, it gave them that campus feels that they did not know they’d missed. Truth be told, school has been judged as boring, but when everything was at a standstill, most realized that school was not at all boring. That was where our friends are. That was where not only Science, Math and English are learned, but also life lessons about friendship, love, betrayal, and all the other things that will form the foundation of our lives in the years to come.

Season 2 came with heavier themes; we may not have a story of an uncle involved in carnapping, eventually leading to someone getting critically injured, sending him to a coma that poses a problem in our love lives. [whew, what a mouthful!] It is still nonetheless moving and relatable as there are other challenges that hinder our relationships. There are also other themes like friendships and navigating the halls of high school can be just as exhausting and just as confusing.

He’s Into Her is many different things for most of us. We could each write an essay or two about it. One thing is for sure, it has brought some of us together. We formed bonds of friendships, albeit, mostly online, but nonetheless, strong enough to actually send stuff to each other, organize meets, and even know each other’s personal lives. HIH did not only give us DonBelle; it gave us a community-our own clique that might stay with us far much longer than 10 or 26 episodes. He’s Into Her was more than a show that brought entertainment and even some lessons. It also brought people together. Friendship across all age groups and even stature in life.

That is why, too, for some of us, we open our hearts and even our purse to help other Bubblies. Bonds are strong that we lovingly share whatever we have from ticket give-aways to transportation subsidies and even some personal needs like tuition or hospital and electricity bills. You see, that is what love is all about. Love expands. A case in point is how a love of two people who eventually, gets married, grows to love the babies they are blessed with and the whole family they will create. Love, for it to be love is not only unconditional, but also ever expansive. In our case, our love for Donny and Belle lead us to have a bit, even just a bit of love for our fellow Bubblies.


Credits: Pics are from
