Making Sense of the Subuan Scene in He's Into Her Season 2 Episode 14

Not gonna beat around the bush…

Emotions were high when everyone saw that scene when Max feeds the driving RJ with chips.

There, I said it.

This just might open the discussion on watching shows, understanding scenes, and anticipating what is going to happen next. This could help improve how we watch our favorite series not just this one but the others to come. 

General Ideas

Firstly, we cannot take a scene away from all the others in the episode and even in the whole series from Season 1 to 2, if needed. There is no need to isolate one scene and make it larger than what it really is. We have to see the chips scene in relation to what is happening to all the characters and how the story is unfolding.

Secondly, we have been too focus on the characters, albeit on our favorite stars, and our loyalty to them that we neglect the development of the plot. There are times when we have to see how the story is moving and why such a scene needs to be included.

Lastly, let us suspend emotions for a while and analyze the whole scene before we react vehemently and wage a war against those behind the scenes. Think of the first two points before you react.

Zeroing in on That Scene

Spirits are high coming into Wednesday’s episode as we are anticipating a kiss and make-up for our favorite couple. The ride going to Batangas reveals how Max notices Deib being short-fused, controlling, and jealous. She even provides specific instances on when these happen. She mentions that he raises his voice once he is mad, jealous, or irritated and would even shame people. He even cited an instance that is prior to being together when Deib goes to the billiard hall.

For the first time, we found out the underlying reason that pushed Kim to cheat on Deib. She felt that he is controlling and often jealous that she just has the urge to rebel a bit by drinking and kissing someone because of feeling suffocated. She feels that the two men in her life from her Lolo to Deib are just both controlling.

The things that both girlfriends say paint a picture of Deib who is yes, very loving but also very passionate and emotional. Season 1 Deib looks so cold, but deep inside he is often a slave to his emotions. Max’s revelations about him being hot-headed and Kim saying that he does not trust her establishes what Deib can be. (This reminds me of how psychological incapacity is proven in court. It has to be established as happening before the marriage, during, and after.) The only difference is that Kim bottled it up inside that she just has to have an outlet that is unhealthy and leads to bad things from drinking to cheating. Max, on the one hand, has the opportunity to communicate the things that Deib can improve on as a person and as a boyfriend.

What makes the chips scene possible? Max and RJ are best friends. They have probably done this in the past. There are years of history between the two. And lately, RJ has been a good friend to Max, giving a roof over the head of two people who matter to Max, and being a listening ear with all that is happening. Is Max being callous?  Maybe, maybe not…but Deib and Max are not yet couples again. They are exes. Max can do as she pleases.

How does the chips scene matter in all these? Did you notice how the camera pans towards the reaction of both Deib and Kim? They are the ones hardly hit by what happens. The season has been building up on the possibility of an attraction between Kim and RJ. Up close, Kim can see the interaction between the childhood friends from Mindoro which can make her acknowledge her growing feelings. It is the push that could propel her in the direction towards probably pursuing RJ.

Did you see Deib’s reaction? He looks shocked, and a bit jealous, but does he say anything? Does he just blurt out what he feels? Does he scoff at Max? Does he take a jab at RJ? The answer to all these is a resounding no! The old Deib probably would have shouted expletives at Max at the top of his lungs, but knowing what Max thinks about his outbursts makes him keep his tongue. This is a major departure from the Deib who always gets jealous easily (he did refer to himself as a jealous monster some episodes  back). This is a pivotal moment for him to prove that he is on the way to developing into a calmer person.

A similar scene could have been done. If it was not feeding RJ, it could have been wiping his sweat. They could talk about a road trip they had before this or what they like doing in Mindoro. The point is there has to be an irritant to prove that Deib is at the cusp of changing, all because of Max pointing out the things she does not like about him.

Scenes are brainstormed to show the best effect. If fans/viewers were enraged with that one scene, it was an effective one. Can you imagine how Deib would have felt seeing that right before his very eyes in close proximity? Just take stock of how you felt, and it would be nothing close to what Deib has that is waiting to implode. The fact that he tries to hold his tongue would have been something Max already takes note of and would be something that will work in Deib’s favor in the next days to come.

Sometimes, some scenes can impact more than the others, but when calm descends upon the viewers, it might be a good idea to scrutinize why the scene is given airtime. How will the scene affect Deib and Max in the future? Do not lose sight of how things are interconnected in the end. You can think of this scene as the irritant to the shell around Deib that will later help him nurture a pearl.

Side note: There were many good scenes that have been overlooked because of the hullabaloo on that chips scene. The rain scene is a contrast to the first one. Here, they are not drenched, in tears, and broken. They wait inside the car for the rain to stop. That can be taken as an improvement. Deib and Max shares a Bacon and Egg Sandwich; is not that tantamount to kissing as their saliva gets mixed? How Deib shows that he is aware of Max as he instantly recognizes why Max has to go to Manila Bay. How sweet it is that Deib improvises for the ritual that Max does every year on the death anniversary of her mother? They almost kiss, again. They are laughing together as they talk to Max’s mom. A new alliance has been formed, and they seem to have good teamwork! Good job on taking on Aimee.  A common enemy can truly unite warring camps. How many times do you hear Deib saying he loves Max in two languages, too? And Tito Boyet might get exonerated, and you know what that means.


All pics are screenshot  from scenes of He's Into Her Season 2 Episode 14 from iWantTFC
