Donny and Belle's Individual Ads for Smart and Whisper


Belle for Whisper

Belle posted a paid partnership with Whisper. This is not a new partnership for Belle as we have been seeing different posts from her about Whisper since last year. What is notable about this one is it seems tailored fit for her. If ever there is script or a story line, it is so Belle. It harps on Belle being an actress as her day job and as a voracious reader on her down time usually at night probably before going to sleep.

This is a very good ad because it will also help promote reading to this generation. Reading is becoming a lost art.  Belle shows off her books on different live streams, and how she enjoys reading. She did not just say that she is an avid reader but a book lover. We know how busy she is and it is such a wonder how she finds the time. Choosing to read during her free time or finding time signifies how she deems reading as important. If there is anything we can learn from fangirling, hope that it will be reading and loving books.

Donny for Smart:

Some people have seen tarps and stuff with Donny on them in the provinces. This seems to be the first time it got posted online. (Or is it? If you have info, kindly comment). Donny, just as in the Samsung commercial is a good fit for a network endorser. He is the quintessential gadgets guy who needs to be on the phone most times. The long hours of work keeps him away from family most times; hence the need to be able to contact them at all times thru the phone. Not to mention as we have pointed out in that Samsung commercial post, he is an ardent mobile player on free times, and this seems to be his usual bonding time with friends when he is not so busy. It requires extensive network use. He also needs this for his live streams, too. Donny is indeed a smart pick as the quintessential millennial requiring data with pretty much most aspect of his life from connecting to family, friends, and fans.

side note: And as a final note, this author remembers Smart getting Hyun Bin as an endorser and a few months after, they also got Son Ye Jin, the rumored gf, now his wife. They also got both in one commercial; they signed up right before they admitted they are in a relationship.

And yes…this author is hoping…yes…

Donny and Belle are quite fortunate that the ads are apt for them and the story lines can be tailored fit. Glad that even the ads can reflect who they are.
