Stream the Closer MV

Reminder: Words in green font are links to Tweeter posts or webpages as support for the write-up. Click pictures to enlarge.

Let us support Donny and Belle’s Close Up MV for Belle’s song, “Closer”. It is a TagSen visual treat giving us a reminder of their first meeting and other throwback vids from “He’s Into Her”. This video gives us a glimpse of the relationship between Max and Deib.

There are different reasons why we should stream or make sure that the vid reaches milestones. Here are three of them:

  1.          It is very rare for the MV to have the performer of the song to be the main lead of the story line, as well. I only saw it once with that Barbie Almabis and Sam Milby vid (Let me know if I am wrong in this). It is important to support Belle here. The MV showcased both her craft as a singer and as an actress. This is huge.

  2.           It also seems that this is the longest MV among all the Close-Up MVs done in the past. We have seven minutes of TagSen interaction here. The usual output of Close Up vids are for a few seconds or at most three to four minutes, but we have seven minutes!

  3.            Take note that there are no speaking lines in the other MVs in the past. We see that they have been discussing plans, saying sorry to each other, and even saying I love you. This is another landmark!

To Let us make it easier for you to access the MV, here is a card  with links that will lead you to the Closer MV directly and more easily.  Use this as a book mark of sorts. This was lovingly prepared by @janydeecy, the DonBelle Daily researcher. Once you click on the link, you will be directed to a page like the one below, and you have a choice of where to watch the MV.


Here is a guideline for streaming so that we are sure your views are being counted. Please keep these tips in mind when watching the Closer MV. This one is lovingly prepared by @natodonsb.

So, Happy Kilig Streaming, Bubblies and Solids!!! Enjoy the freshness of the New Gen Phenomenal Love Team!


Screenshots of the work of @natodonsb and @janydeecy 

Pics from vid are screenshots from Close Up's YT channel: 
