HIH Mall Show- A Bubbly Speaks up


(Poster of the Mall Show from Rise Instagram Post)
After two long years of waiting for a mall show for #DonBelle, Saturday and Sunday is just around the corner. Do you have that pinch-your-cheeks moment for this? Can you believe this? We have here an interview conducted through Tweeter DM with one of those who was lucky enough to get a hold of a pass for the Saturday Mall Show in Ayala Mall Clover Leaf. Tweeter handler @dbsaintlaurent was alert enough to know that passes are being released for Saturday and  went barging through the mall to get hold of those passes. A purchase worth PhP 500 on any of the stores inside the mall is equivalent to one pass. This means you can be inside that cordoned-off area with seats during the event. Trying to get around this fact, they tried to ask for receipts from those who are really in the mall to shop. No one wants to bulge, so they had to find something to buy. Fangirling at this point really requires a lot from all of us. Aside from shelling out at least Php500, you need to make sure that you can also have patience and determination to pull off some activities. You need to show the receipt to the concierge in exchange for a pass. As she shared, it can be daunting if you think about how every passing minute or day, the tickets are getting less. Makes finding something to buy a bit urgent. We asked her if she has any concrete plans for Sat like tarps perhaps and stuff like that and she says there is the element of time to contend with, so she is not sure yet what will happen, but rest assured that Bubblies will prepare something for our beloved Donny and Belle. As a final note, Lee wants fellow Bubblies to know that she is excited to meet them after 2 years. She hopes everyone gets to enjoy the show and would like to send you all virtual hugs. 

  photo of interviewee in front of the stage with other Bubblies from her Twitter post.

Exciting times, Bubblies! For those going, enjoy and shout at the top of your lungs. Please make Donny and Belle feel all the love that has been bottling up inside for the past years. Let us show our gratitude for being our solace in the midst of the pandemic and other stuff.

Here is a link to Lee's Twitter post: 

Her pics with other Bubblies getting their passes: https://twitter.com/dbsaintlaurent/status/1524369228970684416

Pic of the stage: https://twitter.com/dbsaintlaurent/status/1524393749907877889

What Lee would do for DB: https://twitter.com/dbforever22/status/1524367891033825280

Pic of the lay-out of the mall relative to the stage: https://twitter.com/dbsaintlaurent/status/1524600238962487297

If you go through her TL, there are some retweets from other Bubblies' post that will help you plan for the mall shows.  

As of this writing, passes for Clover Leaf Ayala Mall are all distributed already. We have not heard of any news for passes for Glorietta. Know that you can still go to the mall show without a pass. You just can’t go to that area near the stage and you would have to stand up for long hours. There are some strategic places in the mall where you can stay and still have a good look at the stage.

FB post of Clover Leaf re: no more passes:


Good luck, Bubblies. Good luck to Donny and Belle, as well. May they have a good show. Stay safe.


With contribution from Angel-V for looking for Bubblies to interview. We sent a lot of people the same set of questions, but Lee is the only one who has replied so far.

Thank you to Lee @dblaurent for replying to us and giving permission to use her pics and mention her handler name.

Screen Shot of Clover Leaf post.
