Donny’s Five Love Languages


Note: If you click on the pics, they will get bigger. If you click the words in green, it will bring you to vids, tweets, or  websites that serve as proof for what we are talking about. 

DonBelle has already been asked at least twice about their love languages. I do remember the answers before during one of the MediaCons of  Love is Color Blind. Donny Pangilinan is consistent with Quality Time as his Love Language of Choice. In fact, Belle Mariano nailed it in the head when she mentioned that she will give him time when they were doing Alphabet Gifts for a promo of Love is Color Blind. He looked so please. Belle said it at 2:59 of the vid.  

Have you noticed that seems to be doing all five? And we have vids and pics to prove it.  Here are some of the moments when he did each based on what we have seen so far.

1.    1.    Words of Affirmation:

     He never scrimps on praising Belle at all times. In every interview, he always dishes out words lauding Belle. From her beauty to her selflessness and her amazing talent, Donny always has words to show the positive things he sees in her.

In this clip, Donny talks about bashers and why you should not be affected by them, but also never fails to mention that his co-star is a beauty In a Kumu live stream before a mediacon for He's Into Her Season 2, a fan commented that Belle is beautiful. He agreed right away with a quip of "oo naman." A night before the Star Magic Sports Fest, Donny did a Kumu Livestream, and someone commented that the muse is beautiful. He echoed this to Belle, and of course, he once again enthusiastically agreed. Just recently, in the Bearkada Hangout, Donny mentioned that the kissing scene was shot on his birthday which made it special along with the location and most especially the fact that her partner in the scene was also beautiful. Would you like to see it? Click and fast forward to this timestamp 52:45, when he said it. (Here is an admission: The DonBelle Engagement Patrol was chatting in the GDM, and we all were so kilig that some threw pillows, some know how these things what about you? How did you react?)

2.       Gift Giving:

Donny does not scrimp on words and not on money either. We know how generous Donny can be to his loved ones like his family(As Hannah said in a vid, he gives to his sibs.), fans(giving away shoes etc), and friends. 
The Benison Ball is probably the first time when we witnessed that he gave her a gift and flowers. Though, they are both tight lipped about what was in that small bag, based on the brand on the packaging, it seems to be a piece or pieces of  jewelry

Giving flowers to Belle seems to be a staple for Donny. Ate Keia tweeted a vid of Donny walking with bouquet in hand going to Belle during the Love is Color Blind Premier Night, During Belle’s concert, he also gave her flowers on cam. But what we only found out later on, he also gave her flowers backstage. This time, we think the bouquet comes from him, and the previous one was given by the management. 

3.       Acts of Service:

If some stories would be believed, we can write a whole essay on this, but since we want to just include stuff with receipts. The first one we will cite is how he was the one who trimmed Belle’s bangs in the lock-in shoot of Love is Color Blind as seen in Direk Leo Garcia’s TikTok 

      Donny’s involvement in Belle’s concert also screams an act of love. It seems he was so hands-on. In the Documentary, you’d see that he was there every step of the way-doing stuff he did not have to do as a guest. Even learning and memorizing the notes of the song to play on the piano is definitely Donny's act of service to Belle.

4.       Physical Touch:

I am sure you have noticed that Donny is very touchy even with his family. He likes hugging and kissing his mom and Solana. He also seems to always be holding Belle’s hands. I will not elaborate here because I know you know. In the first Bearkada Hangout of Season 2, they were still in lock-in taping, that we get to see a lot of them in one place. We were so shocked to see them with hand intertwined. The vid with them starts at 1:01:28. At the Star Magic Sports Fest, the co-captain and the muse entered together, hand-in-hand. They were also seen hugging each other in the Star Magic Sports Fest in this vid uploaded by DJ Jai Ho. Donny and Belle hands intertwined in the sports fest while moving around as captured by DJ Jai Ho. It is interesting because of the convo between DJ Jai and Belle. Here is another one of Donny and Belle holding hands at the end of the Star Magic Sports Fest. 

5.       Quality Time

Donny did admit craving to spend time with her even off cam and during one of those times they were so busy, he mentioned that he wants alone time with her (mentioned in one of the advanced screening. I could not find the vid, but will still look for it and update it.). Spending leisure time with a co-worker will mean you will talk about work still, and you can’t escape from that part of your life, but not for Donny. For one, Donny and Belle spending quality time together would mean a vacation in Baguio during the early part of this year's Holy Week. They went to carnivals, played golf, and sampled the different food Baguio has to offer. 

They have other varied activities together like playing ML though they are in their respective residences. Playing  video games is their thing as this is also one of the first activities that they did together the first time they worked on a project. 

They also do athletic stuff together. Who would forget that late 2021 photo dump by Donny on IG where we get a vid of them playing  basketball or Donny doing three points while Belle is the one handing him the ball? As if all the sports mentioned are not enough, they also tried their feet doing football in Cebu. They also once mentioned doing scuba diving together. 

For now, it is quite obvious that Donny can do the five love languages. This is probably one reason why DonBelle has us all kilig. 

Are there any other instances you have seen him do one of them for Belle? Why don't you let us know? Comment or send us a DM thru our FB page


first photo: from ABS CBN website

Kumu photo: screenshot of Donny's Kumu - May 21, 2022

Photo of Donny trimming Belle's Hair: Screenshot of Director Leo Garcia's TikTok post.

Daylight photo screenshot of Ms. Edith Farinas' IG post 

Daylight photo 

Photo in the basketball court: Screenshot of Donny's IG post

Photo in the golf course: Screenshot of Belle's IG post
